Medical-Fitness Technician Certification Course
Personal Study Plan
Print the form linked below to track your progress through this course.
Proposed 2-Month Schedule
Week 0: Complete the Pre-Requisites, Student Profile, and Pre-Course Fitness Self-Assessment , then set your course Start Date.
Weeks 1-7: You will need an estimated total of 18 hours for Online Study.
Week 8: You will need a minimum of 6 hours for your Field Practicum assignments.
Week 9: The Final Exam and Course Evaluation.
Weeks 1-7: You will need an estimated total of 18 hours for Online Study.
- The estimated Online Study hours do not include the 5 half-hour Sectional Exams.
Week 8: You will need a minimum of 6 hours for your Field Practicum assignments.
- Usually done in 3-hour blocks on 2 consecutive Sundays at a local Med-Fit Clinic.
- -- 4 Baseline Medical-Fitness Assessments
- -- 1 hour of Medical-Fitness Training (as the Trainer for 2 or more clients).
- -- 2 Follow-Up Medical-Fitness Consultations
- -- 4 Follow-Up Medical-Fitness Assessments
- Do your Post-Course Fitness Self-Assessment
Week 9: The Final Exam and Course Evaluation.
Continuing Education: After certification, you will have access to our Certification Course, including any newly added materials.
As a certified Med-Fit Tech, you will be eligible to affiliate with the OptiHealth Network for the following opportunities:
As a certified Med-Fit Tech, you will be eligible to affiliate with the OptiHealth Network for the following opportunities:
- Marketing your local Med-Fit Services through our online Map & Directory for only $50/year, which includes unlimited marketing consultations with our Med-Fit Best Practices Team.
- Serving (with pay) as a Med-Fit Instructor to train local Med-Fit Tech Students during their Field Practicums.
- Earn a Certificate of Added Qualification: Take our supplemental courses to get certified as a Medical-Fitness Trainer and/or a Medical-Nutrition Technician and/or a Community Recreation Coordinator.
- Specialize by doing an Internship in Medical-Fitness Evangelism with emphasis on church-based health ministry and community health outreach programs.